Féline Colère
Chant pour cor(ps) en rut et cor en fa sur un poème de Nathalie Racine
- Duration: 4' 30"
- Composed in 2010
- First performance: 15.07.12
- ISMN:979-0-9016511-0-4
- Parts: To purchase the score, please email <rc@robertcasteels.com>
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Florence Couillé (soprano) Lewis Poh (horn) |
Le poème Féline Colère de la poétesse Nathalie Racine célèbre l'amour physique entre une femme et un homme, vu du point de vue de la femme. Le langage poétique est contemporain. Le compositeur a établi une concordance entre certains mots et certaines notes. Par example, tout se qui a rapporte à la colère correspond à la note fa aigüe. Tout ce qui a un rapport érotique correspond à la note si bécarre. La partition comprend également une étude écrite par le compositeur intitulée "Erotophonie versus pornophonie".
I bang the door of your glass office
And too bad if everybody sees me!!
I plant my eyes into yours
And with the back of my hand
I throw all the files on the floor!
No plates and dishes to break!!!
No worries, the PC will do….*
So, and what if I started to scream!!
Whilst keeping a smile on my face and fire in my eyes
In my state of agitation
My blouse slipped
Uncovering the birth of my breasts
Droplets of rage pearl in between their groove!!!
I take possession of the desk
Disencumbered of all the superfluous
And I plant my look of tigress in fury into your eyes.
I am still waiting for the so-called pretty e mail…
Oh yes, no time!!
So, there must be a desk lamp or I don’t know what
I can ragingly throw on the floor!!!
And the phone call,
No time either!!!
Now, it is you that I throw in the chair…
My right skirt largely split
Hitched up along my legs
Offering to the sight of curious
Who, as if nothing happened,
Through the glass that surrounds us, look amused
At the delicate lace of a triangle.
I am on top of you,
Furthermore, half naked
And furious because of time passing that you never take
Of all those empty words you say when you have time
And that you think the moment you tell them
And forget the next moment…
So, Mister hurried rabbit
Who never has any time
Prisoner under my body
Here, at this very moment
Under the debris of my wrath
I hold you and will only release you
After having ragingly made
There, here and now !!!!!
The time to readjust my clothes
And to pass a hand through my hair
I stand up,
Leaving you on the floor
Bang the glass door
Cross the corridor
Whilst smiling to your colleagues
The taxi is downstairs
I am leaving…